Shipping & Delivery FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions about Shipping & Delivery

When will my order ship?

We do our best to process all orders within 48 hours of receiving them, and you can expect your order to arrive within 3-5 business days!

Do you offer expedited shipping?

Not at the moment but if you need a cake kit or book in a pinch, email us at and we can give you an estimated shipping time or suggest some local stockists for you to find our products with.

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes we do! However the price depends on where. If you don’t see your country listed in the options at checkout, email with your address and what you’d like to order and we will send through a quote.

How will I know my order has shipped?

You’ll receive a notification from our shipping provider with tracking details once your order is on its way. If you still haven’t been emailed after 5 business days (check your spam!), please email us at and we will follow up on your order.

Can I send a gift directly to someone?

Yes! We do not include pricing on our packing slips so you can send all our products directly to loved ones as gifts! You can add a gift card with your purchase at the checkout. Our warehouse doesn’t allow us to offer gift wrapping though, sorry about that!

What is your return policy?

We may not accept returns of cake kits because of the fact they are food and they will need inspection however we can offer a refund or replacement if there is something wrong with your order. If that’s the case, we are so sorry - please email us and we will respond as soon as possible with a course of action.

Read our full return policy at the bottom of the page.

What if I entered the wrong shipping address?

Email us immediately to see if it’s early enough for us to cancel your order with our warehouse and make a new one with the right address. We want you to have your cake as much as you want your cake, so of course if your order does end up going out and it’s returned to us, then we’ll resend it but we are not technically responsible for delayed, unclaimed, or returned orders due to incorrect or undeliverable addresses entered by the user. We hope you understand!

My tracking info says my order was delivered but I haven't received anything. What do I do?

Email us so we can look into it. Usually the carrier asks us to wait 21 days to see if there are any updates, and only then can we file a claim with the carrier, which is really annoying! If you need your order for a special occasion, then let us know and we’ll see what we can do!

My tracking info hasn't been updated in a long time. What do I do?

Email us so we can look into it. If it’s the carrier’s fault, we’ll get a new order sent out to you and file a claim with the carrier.

Can I place a bulk order for corporate gifting?

Absolutely! For bulk orders (which we can either send to one location or out to individual recipients on your behalf) email with your approximate quantities and we will get back to you with a quote.

What if I have a question that is not addressed here?

For all general cake kit enquiries, email